Press Release

AgileSoDA releases BakingSoDA v2.0 22/08/17

AgileSoDA announced that it has launched 'BakingSoDA v2.0', a decision-making solution based on reinforcement learning.

Since its initial launch in October 2020, BakingSoDA has shown successful results in the finance, manufacturing and shipping sectors. AgileSoDA recently signed an MoU with LG CNS and to use BakingSoDA. The key feature of v2.0 is that it is able to map the environment and conditions of business reality to a virtual environment to provide a simulated environment where AI can learn, allowing AI to find the best solution to achieve a given goal in a virtual environment.

CEO Choi Dae-woo said, “BakingSoDA v2.0 is a product that realizes our core values of optimization and automation by applying MLOps-based reinforcement learning. In the future, we will develop SaaS applications based on BakingSoDA that are customized for specific industries/tasks.”
#AgileSoDA #BakingSoDA #reinforcement learning

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