Press Release

[2019 Best AI Award] awarded to AgileSoDA for creating an integrated AI environment 20/11/29

AgileSoDA, an IT company specializing in high-performance enterprise AI technology, was awarded the Best AI Solution for the Finance Sector Award at the ‘2019 Korea Artificial Intelligence Awards’ hosted by IT Chosun and Microsoftware.

The company won the award for its outstanding achievements in providing advanced AI products and services to the banking, insurance, credit card and finance industries since its founding in 2015.

AgileSoDA has more than 100 AI success stories and has caught the attention of finance companies that are sensitive to the introduction of new technologies. The company is expanding its influence into the public and manufacturing sectors now that AI has become a key issue for national interests.

서울시 강남구 선릉로 525 인포스톰빌딩 2-3층
| 대표번호(02-558-8300) | contact@agilesoda.ai
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