Press Release

AgileSoDA's AI MLOps platform SparklingSoDA receives GS Certification Grade 1 23/04/13

AgileSoDA (represented by Daewoo Choi) has received Grade 1 GS certification for its AI MLOps platform, "SparklingSoDA," from the Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) in Korea. AgileSoDA launched SparklingSoDA in 2016, when the concept of MLOps was still unfamiliar in South Korea, and has since led the field in this area, with the most deployment cases among domestic MLOps products. In the current situation where MLOps is becoming ubiquitous, AgileSoDA is aiming for "ModelOps," which encompasses the entire process of machine learning models and AI operations from the perspective of the enterprise, to go beyond traditional MLOps with version 4.0 of SparklingSoDA.
#AgileSoDA #SparklingSoDA #MLOps #GS Certification

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