Press Release

AgileSoDA develops cobot solutions using reinforcement learning with InaMCT. 22/12/07

AgileSoDA signed an MOU with InaMCT (CEO Dong-jin Shin), a motion control and smart factory solution company, to develop an AI-based cobot(collaborative robot) automation solution. The MOU signing ceremony was held at the headquarter of AgileSoDA with the executive staff of both companies, including Young-Hyeon Kim, the CSO of AgileSoDA, and Yeon-Geun Kim, the executive director of InaMCT. Through this MOU, both companies will jointly develop AI-based cobot automation solutions and support the logistics and distribution companies to make their workplace more efficient and safer. Furthermore, they agreed to collaborate on new business opportunities, such as smart factories, to apply AI-based technology more smoothly. To this end, AgileSoDA will provide an AI agent with reinforcement learning technology to InaMCT. Both companies have discussed such solutions and prepared the manufacture since early last year.

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